Turning off bluetooth on other device where the fitbit app is installed should allow the windows 10 app to communicate with your tracker". Please check if your fitbit is already talking to the fitbit application on another device. then after 3 seconds on computer screen the following message was displied: "your fitbit is busy communicating to another device. "Enter you number you see on your Surge" message was displaied on comuter screen but nothing changed on watch screen - still "configuration" in many languages. On computer screen "We found your Surge" was displied. now I press "Home" button on smart watch and hold 3 second, watch turned on and "configuration" on small screen was displaied. then I have click right button from the bottom, "power on your Surge" page was displied, I do nothing just for test and next page was displaied "Not working ?". I have plugged wireless sync dougle to my computer - works, meet you Surge page was displied, what should I have in the box: charging cable, surge fitness super watch and wireless sync dongle - correct. When read I have click "righ arro" button on the bottom. after click terms of service and privacy policy were displied. nice picture was displaied on the screen and button "set up your surge".

from a list "which tracker are you setting up?" I have choose "Surge". Windows 10, fitbit installed, user accout created, logged, set up new device. I have just unpacked, read instruction and start as described.